Climate Action Peer Network Meeting (10/24/24)
Join us for the next meeting of the Washington Climate Action Peer Network, which will be held via Zoom on Thursday, January 16, from 9:00 - 10:15 AM. Coordinated by the Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC), Association of Washington Cities (AWC), and Washington State Association of Counties (WSAC), these quarterly meetings provide an opportunity for local government staff working on climate-related issues (e.g., reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for and responding to climate impacts) to share best practices and learn about new approaches. Each meeting includes presentations from local governments, state agencies, and other climate experts.
Featured presenters for this meeting include Jimmy Kralj from the Washington State Department of Ecology, who will discuss the state’s Climate Resilience Strategy, Sarah Vorpahl from the Washington State Department of Commerce, who will provide an overview of the state’s Priority Climate Action Plan and ask for feedback, and Nicole Sanders from King County, who will talk about the county’s Energize! Program and four-county Climate Pollution Reduction Grant.
Climate Action Peer Network Meeting (10/24/24)
Thursday, October 24, 2024, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Have a question? Please contact Lisa Pool (